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I often humorously remark, "If you're from this planet, you can certainly benefit from the transformative power of coaching." In this era of immense challenges, each of us navigates our own unique path. As a personal and business coach, trainer, mentor, and consultant, I am dedicated to leveraging my expertise, experience, and unwavering energy to offer you top-notch, impactful support for your personal and business endeavors.

Whether you're seeking guidance in your personal journey or striving for success in the business realm, I am here to provide high-quality, effective, and proactive assistance. Together, we will address your specific challenges and unlock your full potential. Choose the coaching approach that aligns perfectly with your needs and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Coaching je osebni odnos, pogovor in proces, v katerem 'coach stranko pelje od tam, kjer je, tja, kamor želi priti', predvsem pa ji pomaga, da odkrije svoje skrite potenciale, želje ali poslanstvo.

Coach je trener za osebno rast in premagovanje življenjskih ovir.

Veliko uspešnih ljudi ima praviloma enega ali celo več coachev, ki jim pomaga(jo) skozi različne osebne ali poslovne izzive, predvsem pa pri osebni rasti. Imeti  coacha je predvsem v razvitem svetu nekaj podobnega, kot imeti osebnega zdravnika ali zobozdravnika.


Pri sodelovanju z mano boste na svoj položaj pogledali z drugega zornega kota, da boste v sebi odkrili skrite potenciale ter stopili na pot do želenega rezultata. Dobili boste pogum, energijo in orodja, da ohranite tisto, kar želite ohraniti, in spremenite tisto, kar je potrebno spremeniti.

Izberite pravi coaching za vaše poslovne ali osebne izzive:


  • In a free 15' chemistry call we can find out if there are some opportunities to collaborate

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